
We accept donations at the following times:

  • Monday, Tuesday & Friday from 9 am - 3 pm

  • Wednesdays from 10 am - 5 pm

  • Thursdays 9 am - 8 pm

  • Saturdays from 10 am - 5 pm

We accept the following items:

  • Toys & Games

  • Books

  • Household Items

  • Art & School Supplies

  • Clothing

  • Handbags

  • Jewelry

  • Home Decor

  • Small Appliances

  • Fabric & Yarns

  • Linens

  • Vintage Items

  • Antiques, Retro & Period Items

We do not accept the following items:

  • Anything broken or incomplete, stained, ripped, torn, or chipped

  • Food (Unopened or opened)

  • Cleaning Substances (household cleaners and personal hygiene) 

  • Perfumes, colognes, anything flammable

  • Baby playpens, baby swings, baby cribs, car seats, kiddie pools

  • Large furniture, mattresses, or appliances

  • Textbooks & encyclopedias

  • Manuals and magazines

  • Televisions without HDMI ports

  • Golf clubs, Bicycles, Life Jackets, Large sports equipment, Sports Helmets

  • Fax machines, printers, built-in sewing machines

  • Aerosols, glues, chemicals, paints, insulation, loose screws and nails

  • Propane tanks, camping fuel

  • Knives, axes, weapons

Items that we do not accept can go to the following places:

  • Anything broken or incomplete, stained, ripped, torn, or chipped: Please dispose of it responsibly at any recycling or garbage facility. Unfortunately, if it is in poor condition, it often requires us to use staff or volunteer time to take these items to the landfill and that is often time that we do not have. 

  • Food (Unopened or opened): If unopened, Shelbourne Kitchen, Mustard Seed Food Bank, UVic Food Bank, Our Place, or any accepting food bank in Victoria. If opened, friends/families or compost. 

  • Cleaning Substances (household cleaners and personal hygiene) If unopened, the Mustard Seed accepts personal hygiene products such as soap (dishwasher, clothing, or hand). The Habitat for Humanity accepts unopened cleaning supplies.  If opened, family/friends or responsible disposal. 

  • Baby playpens, baby swings, baby cribs, or car seats: If in good condition and not expired, the Victoria Pregnancy Center will accept baby playpens, swings, and other materials (they do not accept cribs or car seats - it is due to laws and safety regulations).

  • Large furniture, mattresses, or appliances: The Habitat for Humanity accepts gently used furniture, mattresses, and appliances. Our place accepts gently used apartment-sized furniture, mattresses, and appliances. 

  • Textbooks: The University of Victoria and Camosun College may accept textbook donations that help students around the country/world. 

  • Manuals and Magazines: Please consider donating to a local children's museum, art center, after-school program, a nearby school, or recycling responsibly. 

  • Televisions: Good working televisions and TV sets are accepted by Our Place, Value Village, and the Salvation Army. 

  • Golf clubs, Bicycles, life jackets, and Large sports equipment (i.e. hockey bags, pads, etc.): Sports equipment is accepted by VSSC (Victoria Sport and Social Club), Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and Kidsport. 

  • Construction supplies: Habitat for Humanity ReStore